What is a Resident Engagement Platform?

How Does it Work?

A resident engagement platform helps you simplify the process of staying connected with your customers and/or residents. This platform provides all the necessary tools to manage customer relationships in one place, including email campaigns, website management, social media integration, mobile apps, content management systems (CMS), and more. This platform also allows you to track customer interactions over time so that you can identify trends in customer behavior.

You can also use this platform to create custom surveys or polls to get feedback from your customers or residents about their experiences. This data can then be used to improve customer service or inform future business decisions. Additionally, you can use this platform to send out notifications about upcoming events or changes in policy. This helps keep your customers informed and engaged with what’s happening with your organization.

With the right resident engagement platform, you can also create personalized messages for each individual client or resident based on their past interactions with your organization. This allows you to tailor messages specifically for each person in order to better engage them with what’s happening at your organization. Additionally, this platform enables multi-channel communication so that you can reach out to people via text message, email, or push notification – whatever works best for them!


A resident engagement platform is an essential tool for any organization looking to stay connected with its customers and/or residents in a modern way. With this type of software, you can easily manage relationships in one place while also tracking customer interactions over time and creating personalized messages for each individual user based on their past interactions with your organization. Additionally, this software allows you to send notifications about upcoming events or changes in policy so that everyone is always up-to-date on what’s happening at your organization! Investing in a resident engagement platform will ultimately lead to improved customer service which means improved success for your business!